Save money today, And every day after.

Our free review helps you see what savings hide in plain sight, plus those we can recover for you over time.

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How It Works

Every day is Saveday.

We hunt for savings opportunities nonstop.
Then pass them along to our customers.


We analyze your current pricing and audit your spending to help us understand your needs and maximize dollars spent.


We create a detailed cost savings plan, along with an implementation schedule ready for kickoff as soon as the review is complete.


We work side-by-side with you to continuously improve your cost factor and deliver long-term savings and supply efficiency.

Guaranteed savings: Your money back.

Right this minute, we know of 7 ways to save you money on shipping supplies. That’s just an estimate, of course, but also historically true. 

Every day, we apply decades of experience and deep industry connections to get to the bottom of every dollar our clients spend. On average, we save clients 13% in the first year. Run the numbers: How much is 13% to you?

Expense Reduction Analysis Opportunities


Sometimes, it’s a matter of changing your supplies for newer, better options. Elsewhere, we help you consolidate similar or like products into a single offering for efficiency and savings across the board.


Everything affects cost: when you buy, when you pay, where you store, and how you allocate inventory. Our easy-to-control inventories, Just-in-Time Inventories, and other strategies help maximize savings.


NPC is your true partner. We happily leverage all our customers’ combined purchase quantities to lock in volume pricing for everyone we serve (Works in tandem with our inventory solutions.)


Using new packaging technologies, we manufacture 7 lines of packaging supplies designed to reduce cost and increase productivity in just about every packaging supply.


As part of your custom cost control plan, we include logistical storage alternatives and other optimization throughout the supply chain to improve efficiency and cost effectiveness.